Erie Beer Society

Dedicated to the advancement of beer enjoyment

If you've ever been with me while drinking a few brews you've seen me "checking in" on Untappd, an app for exploring and sharing new beer with your friends.  If you have a phone you can take advantage - you don't even need a smart phone, dumb ones work too.  Here's how it works:


  1. Buy beer.
  2. Access Untappd (Use their native apps or visit
  3. Find your friends.
  4. Find your beer.
  5. "Check In" and share with your friends.
  6. Buy more beer, find more friends, explore more beer.


That's about it - the Untappd guys are on twitter (@Untappd) and have answered my questions numerous times.  If you're already on facebook and twitter, you can tie your accounts right to your Untappd profile so you can easily share and discover new beer to try.


Untappd recently allowed breweries to claim their businesses so you can have direct conversations with the brewers crafting your delicious beverages. If you're a brewer, make sure you claim your brewery!


So, I urge you to sign up if you haven't already.  You can be-friend me here:


Views: 282


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Comment by Eric Hosack on January 24, 2012 at 1:50pm
I have used many apps for beer and untapped is by far the best one!

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