Erie Beer Society

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Kevin Habursky's Comments

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At 12:49pm on September 21, 2015, Jenny Bernard said…

How are you dear, i am Marilina Abdelaziz, i would like to communicate with you please contact me directly with my email address here ( to know more about me thanks

At 6:30pm on February 26, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
Seasonal brewing would probably be a good idea. Guess I'm anxious to try everything (except Belgians).
Are you still not able to attend the Home Brew Fest?
At 11:55pm on February 25, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
Kevin, I like the "Son of Fermentation" temp controller. Are you able to do any lagering with it, or do you use something else? Seems like you'd be changing ice on a frequent basis. I'm considering either the SoF or a chest freezer with a Johnson Controls digital temp controller. Any advice?
At 10:29am on February 24, 2010, David Machmer said…
(I just noticed I this comment I sent the other sat was directed back to me for some reason...)

It WAS a short notice for the homebrew comp. I had to cram 2 brews in one Saturday, and I'm not sure if one of them will be ready. I'm hoping to enter a dark ale (porter-ish) and an English bitter (again).

I am interested in getting some homebrewers together. I have friends that are just getting into homebrewing and others I've met that are real interested in learning to brew. I was wondering if it would be worth trying to start a homebrew club again (yes, again), but this time as a branch of the EBS rather than a standalone club.
At 8:58am on February 9, 2010, David Machmer said…
Kevin. I am planning to enter 2 brews in the competition, that is if they're ready in time. Sadly, I haven't brewed anything since last years comp. Will you be there?
At 6:32pm on February 5, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
Thanks for the info. With the temperature of my basement changing so much with the seasons, I think the ability to control heating as well as cooling is a good idea.
I just spent the day in Meadville doing volunteer work for Matt at Voodoo Brewing. Helped bottle 32 cases of White Magic and 30 cases of Love Child. Paid off well. Brought back a few bottles of each, some 4 Seasons IPA and 2 bottles of his brand new Eisbock. It's a smooth malt bomb with a great kick.
At 5:03pm on February 4, 2010, Chip Hosack said…
thanks hope to do well if its ready to bad you cant make it
At 3:38pm on February 4, 2010, Chip Hosack said…
ya i did al the welding was almost as fun brewing right no i have a bock beer on tap and fermenting a a.p.a from my own recipe if its ok i might enter in brewers cup was fun last year
At 4:20pm on February 2, 2010, John Mangine said…
Yeah that's what I've heard. I'm in the process of forming a club in the Meadville area. We have about 15 people interested at this point. Let me know if you are interested and I'll put you on the email list to let you know when we are going to get started.
At 12:25am on January 31, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
Sorry, I should have introduced myself. I recognized you from your avatar. Hope you don't mind if I pick your brain from time to time.
I checked out the "son of fermentation" rig online. That's going to be my next project. Finding it hard to keep the temp up in my basement right now.
Thanks for the input.
At 5:00pm on January 29, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
Do you tweak the temperature at all during fermentation? Or do you set it according to the yeast manufacturer's spec and leave it?
At 10:49am on January 29, 2010, Kevin Habursky said…
Why yes it is a temp control chamber. It uses frozen 2 liters and a computer fan for cooling and currently a heating pad for... well heating. Planning on adding FlexWatt for heating. Its not my design but I did tweak some measurements. It is based of "son of a fermentation chiller". My assistant brewer and his father welded my the stand. I just gave the specs. I actually had to dig deep into high school Trigonometry for the angles. I brew in my head about every hour but only actually do it about 6 times per year.
At 9:11am on January 29, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
Nice pictures. Is that a temperature controlled fermenter? Your design? I like the brew stand. How often do you brew?
At 7:05pm on January 28, 2010, Greg Wigham said…
What varieties of hops do you grow? What kind of yield do you get?

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