Erie Beer Society

Dedicated to the advancement of beer enjoyment


I hope this post finds everyone doing well and staying healthy. We had all hoped that we would be back to meeting and enjoying a nice cold beer together, however that is still not possible.  

Please know that Beer Society Meetings are cancelled until further notice. We are in the process of refunding membership fees that would have charged in PayPal from March through current time. Thank you for your understanding. 

Please continue to support our local bars and restaurants as you are safely able. 

Thank you,

Erie Beer Society Team 

Views: 87


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Comment by Brian Rogala on September 2, 2022 at 3:58pm

Will this ever start up again????????

Comment by Dan Lafaro on July 31, 2020 at 9:36am

Do NOT refund my payment that was just made.  I am happy to continue to support this great group even without the monthly meetings.  Stay healthy.

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